Redmi recently launched its new Affordable 5G Phone in India, named Redmi 12 5G. The company has focused on the design and performance of this phone. While glass has been used on the back panel, which gives it a premium feel, there is Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 for speed. We are going to tell you how this phone is and whether it should be bought or not.
Redmi recently launched a new smartphone in India, which is named Redmi XII 5G. The company has focused on this handset from the back panel to the processor. This phone has Qualcomm 4 Gen 2 chipset and it is the first handset in India to come with this processor. In this, a glass panel has been used on the back panel, which makes it attractive.
I used this smartphone for about 15 days. During this time, I paid attention to its performance and camera quality. It also focused on its battery performance. So let us know about Redmi 12 5G in details and tell whether this phone should be bought or not.
Specifications of Redmi 12 5G
- Display: 6.79 inch IPS LCD
- Refresh Rates: 90 Hz
- Processor: Snapdragon 4 Gen 2
- RAM and Storage: 4GB 128GB, 6GB 128GB, 8GB 256GB
- Camera: 50MP AI Camera 2MP Camera
- Battery: 5000 mAh
Price of Redmi 12 5G
The price of 4 GB 128 GB variant of Redmi XII 5G is Rs 11999. Whereas the price of 6 GB 128 GB variant is Rs 13499 and the price of 8 GB 256 GB variant is Rs 15,499. Let us know about this phone in detail.
Redmi XII 5G Review: Design and display
Compared to other budget smartphones of the Redmi brand, Redmi 12 5G has an attractive back panel, which gives a premium feel. It is difficult to find a back panel like this in this price segment. The company has used Redmi branding on the bottom and on the back. It also looks premium from the front side. There is a punch hole cutout on the front, in which there is a selfie camera. Not only are the looks of this phone premium but it also feels like a premium phone when used. However, the phone has an LCD display instead of AMOLED. It has a refresh rate of 90Hz and FHD resolution.
Redmi 12 5G Review: Performance
Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chipset has been used on this handset by Redmi. This is the first mobile phone in India to come with this processor. It provides a better speed and smooth experience. This phone can easily complete the tasks required throughout the day. This phone also gives better gaming performance. Games like BGMI can also be played easily on this phone, however, when played continuously for more than 2-3 hours, the phone appeared slow at many places.
Redmi XII 5G Review: Camera
Redmi 12 5G has a dual camera setup on the back panel, which has a 50MP primary camera. A 2MP secondary camera is available with it. The camera setup clicks good photos in daylight, which can also be posted on social media without any editing. Furthermore, the colors are incredibly genuine and natural, which is uncommon in low-cost cellphones. This camera is not able to click very good photos at night or in low light, which is usually seen in budget phones.
bottom line
Redmi 12 5G is an affordable smartphone. It has sleek design, smooth performance and good camera quality. Although I did not like the software of this phone, many customers may like it. It depends on the choice of the users.
When it comes to performance, this phone is excellent. It gives good performance in daily use and completes daily tasks without any hassle. There was no heating problem on the phone. This is a wonderful option if you’re looking for a 5G smartphone in the lower price range.